Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Good evening everyone! We hope you enjoyed your night with your family at the school program if you were able to attend. The kids all did a great job. The following was just emailed by our school administration: Dear Parents and Guardians, The school has been made aware of a confirmed case of a student with “staph” infection. As always, the school is continuously taking appropriate ste ps to clean and disinfect the facility to prevent the potential spread of infectious diseases. The best precautions to prevent the spread of skin infection, as is the same with flu, common cold etc., is by practicing good hygiene and by frequently washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand rub. Hand sanitizer is readily available in many locations throughout the campus. We have encouraged students to take home practice clothing and PE uniforms to wash on a daily basis as well. Students should avoid sharing items that come in contact with skin, such as towels, that could spread infection. Cover skin abrasions and cuts with clean dry bandages until healed, and seek medical attention if you feel that your child has an infection. For more questions and answers on this topic, I have attached a document provided by the U.S. Department of Education on MRSA in Schools. Information is also available on the Kansas State High School Activities Association web site. If you have questions regarding staph infections or any other health related topic, please don’t hesitate to contact our school nurse, Lisa Crettol, at 528-3171. Troy Hutton Superintendent USD 420 Osage City Schools 785-528-3176 thutton@usd420.org While none of our wrestlers have been infected we want to assure you all that we have and will continue to clean and disinfect our mats and equipment before each pratice. We do ask that you follow the guidelines Mr. Hutton has described. If you suspect any problems with your child, please do not bring them to practice and do schedule a visit with your doctor. Thank you all so much for helping us keep our team healthy!

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