Thursday, November 29, 2012

Good morning everyone, Please remember your Emporia tournament registration fee must be paid by tonight if your wrestler plans on wrestling at Emporia on December 8th. If you would like to order any wrestling apparel you also need to have your order form and check with you tonight. We need to get those orders turned in so we can get your goodies back for you. Remember, you DO NOT need to order a t-shirt for your wrestler. We have them ordered for them. If you would like additional apparel for them then go ahead and order. We have come up with an exciting opportunity for you all that I hope will make tournaments a little easier. Details will be announced at practice and then on here later tonight. You could go to tournaments for free!! There are several nasty illnesses going around school right now. Please keep your kiddo home if they have been sick or are not feeling well. It is very easy to pass germs in wrestling. We want our team healthy and strong!

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