Thursday, November 29, 2012

Good morning everyone, Please remember your Emporia tournament registration fee must be paid by tonight if your wrestler plans on wrestling at Emporia on December 8th. If you would like to order any wrestling apparel you also need to have your order form and check with you tonight. We need to get those orders turned in so we can get your goodies back for you. Remember, you DO NOT need to order a t-shirt for your wrestler. We have them ordered for them. If you would like additional apparel for them then go ahead and order. We have come up with an exciting opportunity for you all that I hope will make tournaments a little easier. Details will be announced at practice and then on here later tonight. You could go to tournaments for free!! There are several nasty illnesses going around school right now. Please keep your kiddo home if they have been sick or are not feeling well. It is very easy to pass germs in wrestling. We want our team healthy and strong!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Reminders for this week: Our first tournament is coming up on Dec. 8th in Emporia. If you would like your wrestler to compete you will need to sign up and pay by Thursday, Nov. 29th. The fee is $15. Remember, you do not have to sign up. You can decide if and when your wrestler will do tournaments. Last week we handed out an order form for wrestling apparel. Just to clarify, this is for shir ts, jackets and hoodies for parents, siblings or whomever might want some apparel. You do not need to order anything for your wrestler unless you want something extra. The wrestlers tshirts have been ordered. We will also be trying to get warm ups for each child as we can. Please take some time and go over the sportsman contract with your wrestler. We believe very strongly in the importance of our wrestlers learning the lessons of being a good sport whether on or off the mat, win or lose. Once you have discussed it go ahead and sign it and bring it back to practice this week. Finally, our tournament will be December 16th. Please start thinking about how you can support the tournament. We will need lots of volunteers that weekend. We can also always use donations for the concession stand. Sign up sheets will be available later this week or next week at practice. We hope your wrestler is enjoying themselves. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Friday, November 16, 2012

What a great second week of practice! Can you see the difference in the wrestlers already? It always seems to take a week or so for the kids to figure out the routine. Once they do though it is fun to watch them start really learning. Just a reminder, tonight is the parent meeting at 6 pm. We would really like as many of you as possible to be there if you can. We will be discussing expectations, tournaments, the sport in general and equipment needs. For those of you new to wrestling, we hope you will walk away feeling like you know a little more about the sport. Have a great day everyone!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Week #1 of wrestling is complete. Thank you to everyone for being so supportive this last week. We are really excited to have such a great group of kids this year. Each year it is fun to see the kids develop over the season. The wrestlers you see today are not the wrestlers you will see in March. Watching them transform is one of the highlights of the season. We will be having a parent meeting on Friday, November 16th at 6 pm. If you are not able to make it that night just let us know and we will get you the information. We hope your child enjoyed their first week of practice. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Coach is out of surgery and home resting. He did an excellent job of darn near cutting off his thumb. The surgery took a little over three hours. He did cut the nerve, tendon, artery, and even a chunk of bone. It will be a long recovery but he is excited to see you all on Tuesday and get the season started. So keep those plans for practice next week! We will reschedule the parent meeting soon. Thank you all for your understanding!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Well the first night of practice didn't go quite like we had planned. Coach would like to thank you all for being so understanding tonight. I will keep you all posted how he is doing tomorrow. For now, no parent meeting tomorrow night, but we are still planning on practice on Tuesday. Thank you all again for your thoughts and your prayers.