Thursday, September 29, 2011

Coaches Corner

I would like to start taking a moment after each practice to pass along information to the parents and wrestlers. I know each 1 hour practice is extremely jammed packed and busy. If I miss helping a wrestler correct a move or dont get a chance to answer a question understand it was by pure accident. You can help me by quizing your wrestlers at night much like you would for a spelling or science test. Also, by doing this you as parents will hopefully gain a better understanding for the sport.

Single leg-Step outside of opponents leg, grab around the knee area,pick up the leg, stand up, take down and cover.
Double leg-Step between opponents leg, grab both legs behind the knees, keep head up (forehead in the chest/belly button area) drive forward until opponent falls down. cover.


Welcome to the official site of the Osage City Kids' Wrestling Club. We hope this site will serve as an information source for you as well as a place where you can get to know our wrestling family even better.

Coach Jamy is very excited to start the new season. Keep checking back as we will be posting more information about the upcoming season as it becomes available.

We look forward to seeing everyone later this fall as we kick off the 2011-2012 kids' wrestling season!