Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wrestling Camp 2012

What does 34 excited wrestlers + their parents + some siblings + a few coaches equal? A great first night of wrestling camp, that's what! Wow, what a great turnout! The wrestlers worked tonight on learning a little bit about the sport and some of the very basic basics. We would like to thank all of the parents who brought their kids out tonight to try camp. We hope your child had a good experience and is excited for the rest of the week. Four days of camp will not be enough time to teach your child everything there is to know about wrestling so keep in mind our goal this week is just to introduce the kids to the sport. Many of you may have very little experience with wrestling. That is okay. If you have questions we are happy to answer them. Just ask us! If your child decides to join the team for the season, we are planning on having a parent meeting after the first week or so of practice to make sure all of our parents have an idea of how the sport works. We hope you had a great first night of camp. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you need anything.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

There is a chill in the air and the days are getting shorter. That can only mean one thing.....it is almost time to wrestle! We are very excited to kick off our 2012-2013 season with our 2nd annual Osage City Youth Wrestling Camp. Camp will be held October 23-26th. The cost is only $10. This is a great time for your child to try out wrestling and see if they have an interest in pursuing the sport. The last year has brought some exciting changes to our club. Our wrestling family continues to grow and expand. So many of our returning wrestlers have made great strides over the last year. We are excited to continue watching them develop their sport in the upcoming season. We also held our first tournament in August, which thanks to the community and our wrestling families, was a great success. December will bring our second tournament. Plans are currently underway for this event so if you would like to volunteer we will be contacting you. We have also added a third assistant coach to our great coaching staff. Mike Fager and Matt Corwine will be joined by Nathan Theel as assistant coaches this season. Welcome Nathan! Mike and Matt, thank you so much for all you have already done for our club. Our wrestlers are better because of you. Another change you will see in the upcoming year is that we will begin running two practices twice a week. We will have a novice practice for our newer, less experienced wrestlers and an advanced practice for those wrestlers who are ready to move onto the next level. Practice times will be announced shortly. Over the next few months there will be a lot going on. We will use this website to update you all regarding new information. The plan is to update the site at least once per week so check back often. Thank you to all who have supported our club over the last five years. We welcome you to our wrestling family and look forward to another great season!