Thursday, November 3, 2011

We are Wrestling!!!

Thats right! It may not be pretty yet but our little wrestlers are starting to get it done. January and tournaments will be here before you know it and we need to get our wrestling gear sized and ordered soon. Starting Tuesday we will be sizing wrestlers for shoes. If you are planning on purchasing a pair for your wrestler as a Christmas gift or just because please let me know either at practice or by email so I wont have to buy more shoes than needed. (dont worry, Santas secret is safe with me!)

We will be taking shirt orders over the next 2 weeks also for parents/supporters shirts. Price is $35 for the long sleeve and $15 for Tshirts. Please pay when ordering. I will have an order sheet on a clipboard available during practice.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A huge thank you!!!

Osage City Wrestling Club would like to send a "HUGE" thank you to Julie Carlson and the Conrad Carlson Charitable Foundation for their recent donation. With their help our club was able to order much needed extra singlets. We will be sending around a card during practice Tuesday to have everyone sign and thank the foundation for their help.